Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life =)

Recently, a quote came across my mind that inspire me to think about tht quote. Seriously, that quote really makes me think and it is really very meaningful.

''Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end and somewhere in the middle that make our lives worth living''

Well, think out of the box. As for frendship, in the beginning everything was just 0. We know nothing about anyone. As soon as we get to know each other, that's where it begins. How long can a friendship last? minutes? hours? days? weeks? or years? To have a beginning is just simple, it can be done in just days. A simple ''Hi'' and let's the conversation do the job. But how about the ending?

An ending is just harder than beginning. Agree? Saying hello to anyone is just easy but saying good-bye is hard. Seriously, good-bye is really a heavy work to blow out of our mouth. As we had been in relationship, well let just b friend. Feeling will grow within ourselves, and feelings are hard to be let go. Feeling is the physical sensation of touch through either perception or experience.

We might be good in remembering things thn memorise stuff as most of us don't like to. What we've been thru with friends, partner, family or even yourself made the middle part of our lives where memories starts to grow. Remembering things are just a natural phenomenon tht happened throughout our live. Everyone remembers their birthdate because we celebrate each of our birthday with firends and family but not by memorising it don't we?

There's another quote that is similar to this post. Start with a smile and end with tears. Every relationship, no matter couple, friends or school life. Everything starts with a smile and at the end, tears just will flow out of our shallow eyes. Time is like a candle, occupy each moment of our day it makes our life looks shorter. Forget bout the past, let it go and move on. It will be easier and lighter to face new problems. Is like i'm goin out of topic, LOL. Well, let's end this post than. Appreciate the ones beside you and enjoy every moment of joy. Explore the simplicity in life would just make life simple, beauty, and joyful.

signing off..

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